05 June 2024
Ramadan Blessings Giveaway: Win Big on this Holy Month! 🌙✨
To show utmost appreciation to devoted customers and followers, CBC held a giveaway event in the spirit of community and thankfulness during the month of Ramadan 2024.
Based in UAE, CBC started to post the campaign on 6th March 2024, and announced the grand winners on April 19th. CBC’s Instagram ran a month-long giveaway with a total of AED 25,000 during the whole campaign to give back to those who supported the brand throughout all these years. This includes a weekly giveaway of AED200 to 10 winners, and also a chance to win the grand month prize which is a hypermarket gift card worth AED5,000!
To enter, participants must follow the steps below:
1. Purchase a bottle of CBC’s Coconut Oil in store.
2. Upload the picture of the receipt on the form provided by CBC through social media.
3. Share the mentioned post that is posted by CBC throughout participant’s social media.
4. Stand a chance to win amazing prizes!

CBC truly appreciates the 200 participants who took their time and entered the giveaway! To express the feeling of gratitude for the participants' excitement and support is an understatement. Not to forget, a huge congratulations to the grand prize winner Sheena Veettil on winning the AED5000 gift card!

Because of the high volume of involvement and the strong engagement seen throughout all the giveaway posts, CBC coconut oil remains in the heart of consumers and loyal users.
Follow @cbccoconutoil_uae on Instagram to stay tuned onto more possible giveaways in the future. Thank you for all the support once again!